In the extreme distance an arch is visible. My guess is that it is the South Window in Arches National Park.
Trails in the Canyonlands National Park area and the Colorado Plateau. Also includes Colorado National Monument. Trail Notes and Pictures of what to expect. Hike for fitness and to experience the environment.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Anticline Overlook Trail
In the extreme distance an arch is visible. My guess is that it is the South Window in Arches National Park.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Minor Overlook Trail in Canyon Rims
The Miner Overlook is a short gravel loop around a large rock outcrop and provides vews of the Colorado River in Canyon Rims Recreation area in southeast Utah. It is named for Park Service Worker David Minor who worked for many years in this area.
This view point looks to the west towards Dead Horse Point State Park and the Island in the Sky District of Canyonlands National Park. The views of the Colorado are as good or better than from those two more famous viewpoints.
To the northwest there is a view of the Potash Mining activity. Colorado River water is pumped into the salt bed underlying the rock formations here, then returned to the surface and evaporated, leaving the raw product.
The train tracks that carry the material to market are visible near Arches National Park and along Potash Road near Moab.Most of the attention here is directed west toward the Canyonlands area but there also good views to the east of the nearby LaSal Mountains.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Wineglass Arch Trail
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Needles Overlook Trail
It flows past the Newspaper Rock petroglyph site and parallels the road to the Needles District, then cuts through this area on its way to join the Colorado River.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Armijo Arch Trail
I found a place to park near a small gravel pit that is about 2.3 miles past the Wind Whistle campground. The 4WD road trail connects to the main road about 100 feet south. The information on this hike comes from "Natural Arches of the Moab Area (South) " by Chris Moore. There is no specific information for this hike in the park area though visitors are encouraged to explore on their own.
After about 1.8 miles and about 40 minutes the road ends at a canyon rim. I think the area below is called Hart's Draw, but it looks like a very impressive canyon. To the south the Blue Mountains near Monticello, Utah dominates. The cliffs below this overlook spot are very steep.
The Armijo Arch is visible to the north as an alcove at the top of the reddish sandstone layer and just below the white sandstone layer. From this angle you can't see any light through the opening.
It is possible to move north along the rim follow some cattle trails, get down to a lower level and get a closer view up to a point where the drop off gets scary.
Even at closer range the opening is not visible. Apparently the opening is from the top and you have to get below and view upwards. It looked to hazardous to go any further. It took me 1:40 hours to make this about 4.0 mile walk.